For patients who desire a flatter, more toned tummy and who find that diet and exercise alone
cannot provide the results they desire, a tummy tuck may be an appropriate option. Drains
after surgery are the typical method used, but drainless surgery is something to consider.
What is the advantage of drainless compared to traditional tummy tucks?
Patients often prefer the drainless tummy tuck method because drains can be irritating and
cumbersome. Furthermore, it may not be possible to shower until the drains are out, which
averages about five days. In addition, the scars are usually better with the drainless technique.
The downside to a drainless procedure is that, in some cases, patients may develop a fluid
collection beneath the skin because there is no pathway for fluid drainage. This fluid may
then result in scar tissue formation that, in some cases, requires surgical removal.
Who is an ideal candidate for a drainless tummy tuck?
The ideal candidate for a drainless tummy tuck is someone who is in good health overall with
well-controlled blood pressure, and who will not use blood thinners after surgery. If blood
thinners are used, we recommend that drains be placed.
How does the drainless procedure compare to a traditional tummy tuck?
The procedure itself is very similar to a traditional tummy tuck. You will be placed under full
anaesthesia, and your surgeon will excise unwanted skin and fat and will then suture
separated abdominal muscles back together.
The difference in technique occurs during the closure when stitches are placed between the
under surface of the lifted skin and the underlying muscle layer, effectively joining them
together. As a result, there is less movement between the skin and the muscle after surgery,
decreasing the chance of fluid build-up and thus eliminating the need for drains. Furthermore,
there is less tension on the scar, which may produce less visible scarring.
What is recovery like?
Recovery from a drainless tummy tuck is similar to the recovery from a traditional tummy
tuck, except that showering is allowed immediately and there are no drains to deal with.
Patients will still need to spend their first night at an aftercare facility. They will also need to
wait two weeks before driving a car, four weeks before resuming cardiovascular workouts
and six weeks before returning to weight training and other strenuous forms of exercise.
Is there any sort of scarring from the procedure?
Scarring for a drainless tummy tuck is very similar to the scarring you experience with a
traditional tummy tuck. Typically, this means a low scar across the abdomen, as well as
another, smaller scar around the belly button. The drainless method does eliminate some
tension from your scar, which often results in a scar that heals better and is less noticeable.
What kind of a result should a patient expect?
The end results are essentially the same as with a traditional tummy tuck, with a tighter and
more toned abdominal area. A tummy tuck is unlikely to change the number you see on the
scale, but it can produce notable, natural-looking improvements to your body contour.
Source: Adopted from The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (